Conjugating the Irregular Spanish Verb Venir (to come)

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In the present tense, venir (bvehn-eer) has an e-to-ie stem change in all but the yo, nosotros, and vosotros forms. The yo form is completely irregular. Other popular irregular Spanish verbs include: hacer, querer, venir and ser. Here’s the present tense conjugation:

The Present Tense of Venir
Conjugation Translation
yo vengo I come
tú vienes You (informal) come
él/ella/ello/uno viene He/she/one comes
usted viene You (formal) come
nosotros venimos We come
vosotros venís You all (informal) come
ellos/ellas vienen They come
ustedes vienen You all (formal) come

Preterit tense conjugation

In the preterit, venir has an irregular stem: vin-. Notice also that it doesn’t have the accent marks regular verbs use in the preterit. Take a look:

The Preterit Tense of Venir
Conjugation Translation
yo vine I came
tú viniste You (informal) came
él/ella/ello/uno vino He/she/one came
usted vino You (formal) came
nosotros vinimos We came
vosotros vinisteis You all (informal) came
ellos/ellas vinieron They came
ustedes vinieron You all (formal) came

Imperfect tense conjugation

You’re off the hook with the stem change in the imperfect; venir conjugates normally in this tense. Check out the following table and examples.

The Imperfect Tense of Venir
Conjugation Translation
yo venía I used to come
tú venías You (informal) used to come
él/ella/ello/uno venía He/she/one used to come
usted venía You (formal) used to come
nosotros veníamos We used to come
vosotros veníais You all (informal) used to come
ellos/ellas venían They used to come
ustedes venían You all (formal) used to come

Future tense conjugation

Venir also has an irregular stem in the future tense: vendr-. However, it does use the normal future endings:

The Future Tense of Venir
Conjugation Translation
yo vendré I will come
tú vendrás You (informal) will come
él/ella/ello/uno vendrá He/she/one will come
usted vendrá You (formal) will come
nosotros vendremos We will come
vosotros vendréis You all (informal) will come
ellos/ellas vendrán They will come
ustedes vendrán You all (formal) will come