Most recent applications from ACT Planning & Land Authority, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR NEW DECK - Proposal for a new deck with new stairs attached to the rear of existing dwelling and associated works.

About 4 hours ago

76 Pearlman Street, Coombs, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR CARPORT - Construction of a new carport with balcony, attached to the existing residence and associated works.

About 4 hours ago

1 Jack Fleming Place, Bruce, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT - demolition of existing building, construction of new single storey education building, refurbishment of adjacent childcare building, new waste enclosure, end-of-trip facilities, tree removal, landscaping and associated works.

About 4 hours ago

4 Bidwill Close, Yarralumla, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR DWELLING ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - Partial demolition of the existing dwelling and alterations and additions including installation of elevator shaft, cladding, supports and associated works.

Unit 4, 15 Wyselaskie Circuit, Kambah, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR DECK AND PERGOLA - Construction of new deck and pergola attached to existing dwelling and associated works.

Unit 8, 24 Iron Knob Street, Fyshwick, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR LEASE VARIATION - To amend the purpose clause of Units Plan to add "office" as permitted use for Unit 8.

87 Stella Young Way, Denman Prospect, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR NEW DWELLING - Construction of a two storey residence with attached garage, courtyard wall, driveway works, landscaping, and associated works.

81 Stella Young Way, Denman Prospect, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR NEW DWELLING - Construction of a single storey dwelling with attached garage, courtyard, driveway works, landscaping, and associated works.

83 Stella Young Way, Denman Prospect, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR NEW DWELLING - Construction of a two storey dwelling with attached garage, courtyard wall, driveway works, landscaping, and associated works.

85 Stella Young Way, Denman Prospect, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR NEW DWELLING - Construction of a two storey dwelling with attached garage, courtyard wall, driveway works, landscaping, and associated works.

89 Stella Young Way, Denman Prospect, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR NEW DWELLING - Construction of a two storey dwelling with attached garage, courtyard wall, driveway works, landscaping and associated works.

7, 9 Faulding Street, Symonston, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR SECURITY FENCE - Construction of 2100mm security fencing, 2100mm remote control security gates, metal screening panels, widened verge crossing and associated works.

19 Taylor Street, Ngunnawal, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR A SECONDARY RESIDENCE - Construction of a secondary residence in addition to the existing dwelling, tree removal, landscaping and associated works.

174 Melrose Drive, Phillip, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR SIGNAGE - Installation of one wall sign and one pylon sign in addition to existing commercial development and associated works.

165 Flemington Road, Mitchell, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT - new two storey industrial building, signage, car parking, new driveway/verge works, landscaping and associated works.

Groom Street, Hughes, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR LEASE VARIATION - Amend the purpose clause wording "under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church (Australian Capital Territory) Property Trust" with "under the auspices of Warrigal Care".

87,89,91 Groom Street, Hughes, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR LEASE VARIATION - Amend the purpose clause wording "under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church (Australian Capital Territory) Property Trust" to "under the auspices of Warrigal Care".

81 Groom Street, Hughes, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR LEASE VARIATION - Amend the purpose clause wording "under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church (Australian Capital Territory) Property Trust" with "under the auspices of Warrigal Care".

22 Walker Crescent, Griffith, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING DUAL OCCUPANCY DEVELOPMENT - partial internal demolition of the existing rear dwelling and alterations and additions including a second storey addition to front dwelling and associated works.

46 Raymond Place, Ainslie, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR NEW DWELLING - demolition of the existing dwelling, garage and sheds, construction of a new single storey dwelling, swimming pool, courtyard wall, alterations to existing driveway, landscaping, tree removal, and associated works.

43 Foveaux Street, Ainslie, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR DWELLING ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - Addition to the rear of the existing dwelling, construction of a single car garage and associated works.

127 Monaro Crescent, Red Hill, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR DWELLING ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - Alterations and additions the existing dwelling including upper storey extension, relocation of the existing window and associated works.

5 Henslowe Place, Melba, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR SHED - Construction of a new shed and associated works.

29 Mildura Street, Fyshwick, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING SEWER PUMP STATION - Partial demolition of existing fan and ductwork, upgrades to the existing sewer pump station including new vent stack and associated works.

16 Lowrie Street, Dickson, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - demolition of the existing gate and brick wall, construction of a new single story detached extension, garage, carport, deck, driveway extension, landscaping, and associated works.

John Gorton Drive, Fred Daly & Steve Irwin Avenue, Wright, ACT

PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT 2007-AMENDMENT TO DA202342439-S144B PROPOSAL FOR ESTATE DEVELOPMENT PLAN. Amendment to development application for Estate Development Plan for the construction of Coombs and Wright village, the proposal includes reconfiguration of John Gorton Drive, Fred Daly and Steve Irwin Avenues, adjustments and realigned boundaries to five blocks, new block for community facility use, closure of Beecroft Street, adjustment to the number of dwellings permitted on CZ4 and CZ5 blocks and associated works. The application also includes the proposed removal of trees and inclusion of planning controls into the Territory Plan. Which is still under consideration - the amendment is to change block boundaries, Beecroft Street to remain within road reserve, update planning controls, solar analysis plans and change land use to remove CFZ zoning.

Lake Tuggeranong, Greenway, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR PUBLIC WORKS - Construction of a new pedestrian bridge over Lake Tuggeranong, connective paths, tree removal, landscaping and associated works.

Box Hill Avenue, Conder, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR HEALTH FACILITY - Construction of a two storey health centre, carparking, tree removal, driveways/verge crossings, landscaping and associated works.

81 Mildura Street, Fyshwick, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT - demolition and construction of two lifts and associated works.

2,4, 6 Stockdale Street, Dickson, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND LEASE VARIATION - Demolition of existing dwellings on blocks 1, 2 and 3, construction of 21 apartments across four storeys, two-level basement parking, new driveway/verge crossing, landscaping, tree removal and associated works. Lease Variation to limit dwellings permitted to 21 and to consolidate blocks 1, 2 and 3 of section 2 Dickson.

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