Modern threats in academia: evaluating plagiarism and artificial intelligence detection scores of ChatGPT

Plagiarism and research integrity are sensitive issues in the academic setting, especially after the recent offspring of artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4.0 [1]. As the popularity of ChatGPT increases, some authors have attempted to write abstracts and full-text articles using AI, obtaining essays that resemble genuine scientific papers [2,3,4]. Detection systems for AI-generated texts have been recently developed. Miller et al. performed AI detection on a large sample of abstracts belonging to articles published between 2020 and 2023, reporting a significant increase in AI-assisted writing [5].

We evaluated herein the plagiarism and AI-detection scores of GPT-4.0 when paraphrasing original scientific essays, and furthermore tested methods that could possibly evade AI detection.

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